In order to be effective however, accurate assessment and constructive feedback is essential, and this can often be a complex and time-consuming process. This marking burden is a huge concern for many organisations and comes at the expense of valuable teaching time. QA Associates offers a range of exam and assignment marking services that can help to relieve this pressure and provide fast, accurate and unbiased assessment and feedback for both learners and educators.
Our team of associates have a wealth of experience of marking mock examinations across a wide range of subjects that follow the British curriculum at GCSE, iGCSE and ‘A’Level. We work with subject experts from both academic and professional backgrounds and ensure that all have relevant teaching or practitioner/consultancy experience and the capacity to mark quickly & accurately to a scheme.
As an agile and independent consultancy, QA Associates service is fast and flexible. We are able to mark across entire Academy-chains or individual classes and cohorts drawn from small schools and training providers.
Our turnaround times vary depending on the number of learners, subject and level, but we will typically aim to return all papers within 10 working days. This means your students and teaching staff are not left waiting for results and feedback and are able to focus their teaching and revision strategy.
J Harrison, Assistant Principal, NEFUTC
Giving students the opportunity to participate in a mock version of an examination before they take the ‘real thing’ can benefit every type of student – from the diligent, well-prepared learner who reflects on the process to those that may be a little complacent and require some focus to their studies. Mock exams can be an important tool for educators to better understand how they can support their students, but fair and unbiased assessment and feedback is crucial and ensuring these elements are in place requires expertise and time.
Using your valuable teaching staff to perform these functions comes at the cost of time better spent focusing on students and the curriculum. Outsourcing this provision and using QA Associates exam marking & assessment service minimises opportunity cost and disruption and allows you to:
Student exam performance can often be impaired by fear or anxiety associated with an unfamiliar process or environment. Mock examinations enable students to practice writing under pressure and to an exam standard. Having their work assessed by experienced, independent markers can provides valuable reassurance and guidance.
Objective and accurate marking provides teaching staff with a clear picture of students’ strengths and weaknesses, both individually and collectively. Identifying topics that may require more focus helps teachers to implement successful strategies to deliver the specific knowledge that their students need to acquire during the school year.
Consistent and reliable marking is crucial in establishing competence in a subject. However, in addition to measuring knowledge, sitting mock examinations can also help to reinforce the so called ‘testing effect’ whereby prior learning and the ability to recall information is better facilitated by the inclusion of practice tests in teaching or studying.
QA Associates work with a wide range of committed subject-specialists, consultants and educators that have many years of combined curriculum experience. Together, we have marked thousands of mock exam papers at various levels in the following subjects:
QA Associates have built their reputation on taking the time to understand the specific requirements of our customers, and we pride ourselves on delivering tailored solutions that are robust, flexible and cost-effective.
If you are interested in learning more about our independent marking services, more information can be found in our brochure and on the FAQs page. Alternatively, if you need to discuss more bespoke needs or have specific questions please get in touch with a member of the team.